
Guerre de clans

1 733 octets supprimés, 2 février 2018 à 16:04
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* Les attaques de guerre n'interrompront pas votre bouclier. Vous ne perdrez ou ne gagnerez ni trophées, ni ressources.
* Seule la meilleure attaque sur chaque base ennemie compte en priorisant le nombre d'étoiles gagnées puis le pourcentage de destruction.
* La meilleure attaque du clan sur chaque base ennemie contribuera à déterminer la destruction totale accumulée par le clan pendant la guerre afin de déterminer un gagnant en cas d'agalitéégalité.* Pour chaque base, le jeu affiche un bonus de victoire de guerre que vous recevrez si vous obtenez au moins une étoile et que votre clan gagne la guerre. Ces bonus diffèrent selon votre niveau d'HDV et celui de votre adversaire.* Chaque attaque peut être visualisée en direct (effet sonore et visuel d'avertissement) ou plus tard par l'intermédiaire de l'onglet "Évènement de guerre" qui répertorie l'ensemble des combats passés.
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===='''<span style="color:#0080C0">JOUR DE COMBATANNONCE DES RÉSULTATS</span>'''====
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* Est déclaré vainqueur le clan ayant gagné le plus d'étoiles.
* En cas d'égalité, le clan gagnant est celui qui a infligé la plus grande destruction totale.
* En cas de nouvelle égalité, la guerre sera considérée comme un match nul.
* A la fin de la guerre, le butin de guerre est versé dans le Château de clan des participants.
** Pour une victoire, vous gagnez le bonus de guerre complet.
** Pour un match nul, vous gagnerez 40% du bonus de victoire de guerre.
** Pour une défaite vous gagnerez seulement 30% du bonus de victoire de guerre.
* Même si vous avez quitté le clan avant la fin de la guerre, vous pouvez toujours recevoir le bonus de guerre si vous avez attaqué avec succès au moins une base dans la guerre des clans.
* Votre clan gagnera également les XP de Clan (voir ).
* Dans le journal de guerre, vous pourrez pendant un temps, consulter les résultats et les replays pour un temps.
War Win Bonus ◾The game calculates and displays a war win bonus unique to every base. The bonus displayed is the loot you will receive if you get at least 1 star and your clan wins the war. You still get the loot even if the base was previously 3-starred. This war win bonus is 6 times the available loot from a base (e.g. if a base has 25k Gold and Elixir available in the attack itself the war win bonus for defeating that base would be 150k), and can be increased by whatever bonus your clan has as the "War bonus extra loot" perk, if your clan is level 3 or above.
◾You might notice that the war win bonus shown to you is not always the same as your clanmates see for the same base. Much like how raiding normally suffers a loot penalty depending on the TH levels of the attacker and defender, so do War Win bonuses. (e.g. a base 1 TH lower only offers 90% of its otherwise available War win bonus, and 3 TH lower get 25%.) The penalty is already calculated into the number you are shown, but awareness of the penalty will help you decide when to upgrade your townhall. Upgrading prematurely will make it harder to make a profit from wars
◾War Events ◾During Battle Day, and subsequently up to five days after the war ends you can view a complete log of attacks that have happened thus far in the war. Each attack has its own separate replay, and it has its own rounded box, showing the username of both the attacker and defender, the result as well as the time left in the war (at the time of the battle).
◾The rounded box has several elements. In the center of the box is the result. On either side of the result, the names of both players involved in the battle are displayed; the player belonging to your clan will be on the left-hand side and the player belonging to the enemy clan will be on the right-hand side. The attacker is denoted by a light background, whilst the defender is denoted by a darker background. The "direction" of attack (whether a member of your Clan attacked a member of the enemy Clan or vice versa) is denoted by pointed arrows extending out from the light background.
◾Any battles involving you will have your username highlighted in yellow.
◾War Statistics ◾During Battle Day and up to five days after the war ends, you are able to view the statistics of the aforementioned war. This includes the War Events (explained above), the overall War Statistics (under the tab "War Stats") and the statistics of both your clan (under the tab "My Team") and the enemy clan (under the tab "Enemy Team"). The War Stats tab show different statistics, including attacks (number won, number lost, number remaining), the breakdown of best attacks in the war, other attack stats (new stars per attack, average destruction and average attack duration) and the most heroic attack and defense for both clans.
◾Both the My Team and Enemy Team tabs show the attacks that each participant made, the number of defenses won against the number of defenses the participant's War Base had in total, and the number of new stars contributed to the war tally by each member.
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